Our Work

With Imān (faith), Ikhlās (sincerity), ‘Ilm (knowledge), Amal (implementation), Da’wah (invitation) and Khidmah tul Khalq (service to the creation of Almighty Allāh), we will help ourselves and all of humanity to achieve the Mahabbah (love) and Ma’rifah (spiritual closeness) of Almighty Allāh and RasoolAllāh صلى الله عليه وسلم Insha’Allāh. Kanz ul Huda’s mission statement incorporates every aspect of a Muslim’s life. Each point represents an essential element that regulates the life of a believer, leading him or her to achieve the closeness of Almighty Allāh and His beloved Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم .

Everymember of Kanz ul Huda should aim to actively implement and perfect every component of the mission statement in their daily lives. The following is a breakdown of the practical activities each member should perform as per the mission statement.

Imān (Faith) – 5 key points

1) To read and study the ʿAqīdah (cardinal doctrine) chapter from Kanz ul Fiqh at least once under the guidance of an approved scholar or during a Tarbiyyah course organised by Kanz ul Huda. Furthermore, this chapter should be reviewed every
night for fifteen minutes.

2) Constantly remind yourself that everything you have or will achieve is through the Fadhl (divine bounty) of Almighty Allāh and have complete reliance upon Him (Tawakkul) in every given state.

3) Perform Tajdīd al Imān (re-affirm your Shahādah) every night and perform Taubah from any statements of Kufr (disbelief) you may have uttered during the day.

4) Perform two Rak’ah Nafl for Hifz al Imān (protection of faith) before sleeping to help protect you from death in the state of Kufr.

5) Pledge allegiance (Bay’ah) in a Tarīqah (spiritual path) – see Bay’ah section for more

Ikhlās (Sincerity) – 3 key points

1) Every morning:

a. Recite the Masnūn Du’ā with Salawāt Sharif before and after.
(All praise is for Almighty Allāh who gave us life after having taken it from us and unto Him is the resurrection)
b. Make a Du’ā asking Almighty Allāh for sincerity in all virtuous deeds and make the intention that all deeds will be purely for the sake and pleasure of Almighty Allāh with His help.

2) Carry out the ‘Ikhlās Test’ when performing a virtuous deed. The Ikhlās test is when you ask yourself at the beginning, middle and end of doing a virtuous deed whether it is for the sake of Almighty Allāh. If at any point you determine or feel that your intention has deviated from being Almighty Allāh centric, then make Taubah immediately.

3) Do not get disheartened at not seeing immediate results, as this may be counterproductive and cause a lack of sincerity. Continue to renew your intentions before any good deed and stay focused – the results will come Insha’Allāh.

‘Ilm (Knowledge) – 4 key points

1) At least once in your lifetime, under the guidance of an approved scholar complete the Kanz ul Huda Tarbiyyah course. This incorporates all Fardh ‘Ulūm (ʿAqīdah, Fiqh, Tajwīd etc) and the principles of Da’wah.

2) At least once a year undergo:

a. A basic Tajwīd test.
b. Revision of the last ten surah’s of the Qur’ān Al Karīm.
c. Revision of the method of Salāt al Janāzah (funeral prayer).

3) Study the Kanz ul Huda Nisāb (syllabus) daily:

a. Every morning recite the Qur’ān al Karīm for fifteen minutes with translation and commentary making notes under topical headings.
b. After (a) study the Sīrah (life) of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم for fifteen minutes. Once again take notes with references under topical headings.
c. Lead or attend a Nasīhah (Kanz ul Huda study circle) for ten minutes daily in your local masjid.
d. Before sleeping, read Kanz ul Fiqh or Kanz ud Da’wah for fifteen minutes.
e. After point (d) read Ihya ‘Ulūm ad-Din or notes compiled from the weekly Ihya for fifteen minutes.

4) Attend all Kanz ul Huda events.

Amal (Implementation) – 5 key points

1) Make immediate and sincere Taubah after a sin has been committed or generally throughout the day following the four pre-requisites of Sharī’ah (see page 8).

2) Pray your Salāh five times a day in congregation at your local masjid or at least as part of another congregation and implement any spiritual litanies given.

NOTE: Always carry a notebook and pen for Da’wah purposes.

3) Fill in your Kanz Form every night, making Taubah from any negligence and submit it to the Markaz.

4) Attend all Kanz ul Huda meetings.

5) Begin the Tazkiya course.

Da’wah (Invitation) – 6 key points

1) Devote at least two hours daily in the path of Da’wah:

a. Upon awakening or after praying Fajr Salāh note down in your diary how you will allocate the minimum two hours to Da’wah, including but not limited to:

i. Daily Da’wah.
ii. Following up on previous activities.
iii. Spending time with family/relatives and building relationships with key contacts.

2) Invite at least one person daily (at the time and place noted in your diary) towards Islam and Kanz ul Huda’s activities (see INKTTRN). Always remember:

a. Make the intention of leaving your house for the purpose of Da’wah.
b. Exchange contact details and follow up with a phone call within three days.

3) Memorise at least three Zikra talks. These include basic Islamic information to help start conversations.

4) Treat your Amīr’s directives on Kanz ul Huda activities as you would your spiritual guide’s.

5) Bring at least one new person to the weekly Ihya gathering and meet at least three new people during the Ihya informing them about Kanz ul Huda’s activities (INKTTRN).

6) Travel at least two days a month in the path of Almighty Allāh (Rihla) with Kanz ul Huda. You also have the option of travelling for 10 days, 40 days or 1 year.

Khidma tul Khalq (Service to the Creation) – 7 key points

1) If in your lifetime you have hurt, oppressed and/or withheld the rights of someone then search for them and seek their forgiveness.

2) Always try to unite those who have grown distant from one another.

3) Spend at least fifteen minutes daily with your parents discussing how you can actively help them within the home. Always remember:

a. Refrain from all that displeases your parents.
b. Do not stay out late without your parent’s permission or for no good reason.

4) Lead an active social life whilst remembering the responsibility of Da’wah. This includes maintaining family ties, attending weddings, funerals and family gatherings.

5) Daily (or at least once a week) leave your home to feed the creation of Almighty Allāh including birds, fish and other animals.

6) Give charity in the way of Almighty Allāh daily. For instance, those contributing £30 a month to Kanz ul Huda can make a daily intention of giving £1 a day which would also fulfil this requirement. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.” [Tirmidhi]

7) At least once a week visit the sick, elderly, poor or a relative for the sake of Almighty Allāh. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “He who visits his brother in Faith, will remain engaged in picking the fresh fruits from the garden of Jannah till he returns.” [Muslim]